Ninth Kyu of Yukimura-ryu

In this workshop we cover all the basics required to achieve the first level (9th kyu).

The essence of Yukimura-ryu is putting the main focus on the ukete (受け手, receiving partner) instead of getting overly concerned with particular shibarikata (縛り方, rope patterns).

Be sure to maintain a connection with your rope partner at all times. Everything you do, all your thoughts, should constantly be directed towards the ukete.

To prove that there are different ways of putting your partner into subspace, we are also treated to a special Madame Butterfly demo.

Madame Butterfly Sampler Clip

This patent-pending exercise is also called "Gone in Five Seconds".

That's how long it takes to put your rope partner into subspace.

Ninth Kyū of Yukimura-ryu

壱.     Goals

Introduction to the approach and philosophy of Yukimura Ryū.

Getting to know some of the basic terms and techniques.

弐.     Theory

Aibunawa vs Semenawa / 愛撫縄vs責め縄

Tying on a futon

Stage Play: “Making Love” within a defined space and timeframe.

Tuning in to the partner (ukete, 受け手) / Aisatsu shibari (挨拶縛り)


Aibunawa (愛撫縄)

Semenawa (責め縄)

Nawajiri (縄尻)

Bakushi (縛師)

Ukete (受け手)

参.     Exercises

Breaking the seiza (崩し正座)

Anchor on forearm (kote, 小手)

Anchor above ankle joint


One hand (single-column tie)

Both hands (double column tie)

Forearms parallel

Forearms crossed

Ankle joint tie

One leg (single-column tie)

Both legs (double column tie)

Madame Butterfly demo


Breaking Seiza


Ankle Cuffs


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